模型下载 | dalcefo portrait | free model download

模型名称 | model info

模型名称:dalcefo portrait

model name:dalcefo portrait


模型下载 | dalcefo portrait | free model download

dalcefo portrait | free model download



This model is specialized for men's drawings, and in the case of women, it can be drawn somewhat masculine. But even for women, i'm sure it's not bad. This model has a very strong and rough painting effect, like a portrait painting. If you like this artistic feel, I highly recommend it. dynamic thresholding is best option for this model for detailed expression. The trigger word is "dalcefo", but you don't have to use it. ft-vae-8400000 recommanded. Please refer to the parameters of the sample image with exif in the link below. But rather than making the same image, we want you to show your creativity. Depending on the generation of the graphic card and webui settings, even the same parameters can produce different results.



collection fordalcefo's models: https://www.aigc.wtf/tag/dalcefo/

It's totally free for downloading, you can buy a cup of coffee for dalcefo on https://ko-fi.com/dalcefo_artworks/

下载地址 | download link:

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样片 sample

模型下载 | dalcefo portrait | free model download

stable diffusion dalcefopainting

模型下载 | dalcefo portrait | free model download
模型下载 | dalcefo portrait | free model download

stable diffusion dalcefopainting

版权声明:leitures 发表于 2023年3月29日 am11:50。
转载请注明:模型下载 | dalcefo portrait | free model download | AI应用导航网
